Doctor with Patient [Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons]
Doctor with Patient [Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons]A few days before the inauguration, President-Elect Donald J. Trump told the Washington Post that he was finishing up the last details on his healthcare replacement plan. A couple of weeks later, the House GOP went to Philadelphia for a GOP Retreat, and some of their conversations were captured by cell phone recorder. Several Congressmen expressed concern about taking healthcare away from millions of Americans, and not providing a suitable replacement. On Super Bowl Sunday, he told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that the healthcare replacement may be ready by the end of 2017, or maybe even early 2018. In football terminology, it’s called “punting the ball.”
What does this all mean?
In my humble opinion, it means that there is no healthcare replacement plan. The GOP had 6 years to come up with an alternative healthcare plan, and they have nothing to show but a few ideas on a website. If the GOP proposes a healthcare replacement plan in 2018, it will be litigated and debated in the midst of the midterm elections, which is a concern raised by one of the Congressman at the GOP Retreat! Not good for the GOP … Healthcare is a big, complex issue that affects every single American. The issue deserves lots of careful thought, consideration, and planning.
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